Education changes life.

Some instructive stories come from donkeys and dogs

The thief entered the house!

 Donkey and dog are sitting side by side.

 The donkey thinks the dog might take action against the thief. But, no. The dog is sitting quietly.

The dog's silence raised doubts in the donkey's mind.He came to the dog and said brother, do something, the thief has started breaking the lock of the warehouse. The dog did not listen to the words of the donkey and sat down.

Suddenly the donkey looked and saw a bone in front of the dog.There is also meat with the bones. The donkey could not believe his eyes. ? What is he looking at?

The only watchman of the house, his beloved dog brother has finally learned to take bribes? That too, from a dishonest, treacherous, inferior creature like a thief? Shit! Shit! Shit!

Meanwhile, the thieves broke the lock and entered the house. The donkey couldn't keep quiet anymore, he started braying loudly।

His scream woke up the owner of the house.The owner was very upset. He left the room Saw the dog sleeping peacefully, and the donkey jumping The owner thought maybe the donkey was a jinn Caught or crazy.

 So he got angry and struck the donkey several times with his stick. The donkey was very sad. Where will the donkey go now? In order to protect the wealth of the owner, he had to be beaten.

 However, the one who was responsible for catching the thief kept quiet after taking bribe. And the donkey has become a criminal by taking the responsibility of others.

 Surely the donkey is thinking to himself - there is nothing to do when the responsible ones are ruined. Doing anything at this time is nothing but stupid.

 The story ends here. But my thoughts start from here.We who are writing against thieves,Their condition is like that donkey. I am becoming a criminal by talking.

 And the dogs are swallowing the bait and getting away with hundreds of crores of rupees. Therefore, as long as there are thieves and dogs' throats, donkeys like us have no choice but to bear it with our eyes closed, but it is true that ten days of a thief is one day of a saint.

Assalamu Alaikum.  What we learned from the article is that the truth is that we have to live in this world.  I will live like them.  1 (like a dog). (not like a donkey).  Please comment...  Thanks everyone

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